Weekly Wisdom # 23
Depending on how old your business is, the kind of connections you have makes a big difference as well as the relationships you've built along the way. I find that the connections you have made on your journey contribute to your success; because of the support you receive the learning and of course, the money you make.
Also, the more connections you make the more visible you become, the more community reach and relationships you build, the easier it is to learn, sell, grow and achieve your success.
One of the challenges, when you are starting is that you don't have those connections. And without those connections, nobody knows who you are and what you do. So it's really important to build connections such as by being in social community groups like common interest groups, working groups, or networking groups, especially if they've got events and meetings. These are a great way to become visible and build relationships.
It is beneficial to have one-to-ones with people you connect with to explain what you do, and it is good practice to talk to people about what you do and to listen to them. When you learn about what others do it enables you to help or collaborate with them and for you to stick in each other's minds. If they come across a connection that needs your service they are likely to recommend you because you have started to build a relationship with them, stuck in their mind and vice versa.
So my recommendation would be even if you are finding it hard to build and grow your business and increase your sales, you focus on building relationships. Put engaging posts out there, connect with people, ask questions and get to know them, perhaps even message them on a one-to-one. Or even pick up the phone and have a quick call with them. Explain what you do. Maybe even ask to connect with their audience and offer to share your skills.
I have found on my journey that connecting with people and building relationships has hugely helped me, bringing me new opportunities and I hope that this is something that can help you too.